Upper Quadrant
Prognostic indicators for outcome following rotator cuff tear repair
Provocative cervical discography symptom mapping
Overuse syndromes of the upper extremity: Rational and effective treatment
Tendinopathy and tears of the rotator cuff are associated with hypoxia and apoptosis.
Chronic shoulder pain of myofascial origin
Enthesiopathy of the flexor carpi ulnaris at the pisiform: Findings of high-frequency sonography
Suprascapular nerve neuropathy leads to supraspinatus tendon degeneration.
Structural and molecular characteristics of axons in the long head of the biceps tendon.
Pathogenesis of Brain Edema and Investigation into Anti-Edema Drugs
Gantzer Muscle Accessory Head FPL
Delayed Anticipatory Muscle Activation in Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
Actions of the Biceps Brachii at the Shoulder: A Review
Early Versus Delayed Active Range of Motion After Open Subpectoral Biceps Tenodesis
Cervical Deformity: Evaluation, Classification, and Surgical Planning
Osteoporosis increases the risk of rotator cuff tears: a population-based cohort study