
These are the only direct tests and treatments. By that I mean the traction force applied separates the involved vertebrae immediately increasing the volume of the central or lateral canals.  The pressure within is now lowered. Every patient is different and therefore testing results are on a spectrum. Even each test is unique because the patient guides you through the procedure as to what is the correct amount of force, in which direction the force should be applied and where. Many stenosis patients can’t be helped or may only experience temporary results. Stenoses are more prevalent as we age and are more common in certain body types.


Central Stenosis

Flexion and traction of the spine will increase the volume of the neural canal. The hope is that arterial blood from the radicular arteries will feed into the cauda equina. The end range position must be held long enough to allow the fluid enough time to shift.

In these procedures, when the pressure is released or when the spine is put into some extension the hope is venous blood and lymph fluid will leave the area.

A diagram of the spinal stenosis and normal disc
A page of drawings showing the process of making a sculpture.


Lateral Stenosis

These techniques cause flexion and traction in the lateral canal and intervertebral foramen. Again, the volume in the target area is increased and then decreased to allow for fluid shifts to take place. Arterial blood flows in, lymph and venous blood flow out.

A drawing of the back end of a spinal column.
A drawing of the anterior view of the shoulder.
A drawing of an artery and its process.


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