Anatomy & Physiology

Morphology of peripheral nerves, their sheaths, and their vascularization

Nerve growth factor improves ligament healing

Mechanical properties of peripheral nerves

Morphological investigations of connective tissue structures in the region of the nervus occipitalis major

Active fascial contractility: Fascia may be able to contract in a smooth muscle-like manner and thereby influence musculoskeletal dynamics

Effect of Achilles tendon loading on plantar fascia tension in the standing foot

Structural models for human spinal motion segments based on a poroelastic view of the intervertebral disk

Diurnal variations in the stresses on the lumbar spine

Anatomy of the intervertebral foramen

Prevalence and possible pathological significance of calcium phosphate salt accumulation in tendon matrix degeneration

Functional and morphological effects of NG2 proteoglycan deletion on hippocampal neurogenesis

Fascial plasticity – a new neurobiological explanation

Origin of Nerves Supplying the Posterior Portion of Lumbar Intervertebral Discs in Rats

The Basic Science of Tendinopathy

Where tendons and ligaments meet bone: attachment sites (‘entheses’) in relation to exercise and/or mechanical load

Mechanical properties of peripheral nerves.

Viscoelastic behavior of human connective tissues: relative contribution of viscous and elastic components.

Contribution of proteoglycan osmotic swelling pressure to the compressive properties of articular cartilage.

Involvement of proteoglycans in tendinopathy.

Tendon basic science: Development, repair, regeneration, and healing.

An Emerging Role for Angiogenesis in Tendinopathy

Body Fluids and Circulation

HagFish Fiber (V)

Hydrostatic and Oncotic Pressures

Adaptive evolution of secretory cell lines in vertebrate skin

The effect of excitation and preparation pulses on nonslice selective 2D UTE bicomponent analysis of bound and free water in cortical bone at 3T.

Hagfish slime ecomechanics: testing the gill-clogging hypothesis.


Where tendons and ligaments meet bone: attachment sites (‘entheses’) in relation to exercise and/or mechanical load

Hagfish Sliming Video (V)

The Urethral Rhabdosphincter, Levator Ani Muscle, and Perineal Membrane: A Review

The role of mechanobiology in tendon healing.

Pathology and possible mechanisms of nervous system response to disc degeneration.

The origin and development of glial cells in peripheral nerves.

Pseudounipolar neuron

Cell fate determination in embryonic ectoderm.

Evolution of glycosaminoglycans – Comparative biochemical study

The regulatory mechanisms of NG2/CSPG4 expression

disc endplate

Vascular Anatomy of the Cauda Equina and Its Implication on the Vascular Lesions in the Caudal Spinal Structure

CNS Visceral Control Summary

Sympathetics to the head (V)

Hypoxia inducible factor pathways as targets for functional foods.

Hypoxia conditions differentially modulate human normal and osteoarthritic chondrocyte proteomes.

Hypoxia-inducible factors

Combined measurement of nerve root blood flow and electrophysiological values

Glia get excited

Structure and Biomechanics of Peripheral Nerves: Nerve Responses to Physical Stresses and Implications for Physical Therapist Practice

Development of the diarthrodial joints in the rat embryo.

Petrotympanic fissure

Pharyngeal arch

The Extracellular Matrix

Aquaporin-4 Water Channel in the Brain and Its Implication for Health and Disease

Capillaroscopy and the measurement of capillary pressure

Hypoxia: a double-edged sword of immunity

Principle of relative positioning of structures in the human body

Anatomy of the extradural compartments of the lumbar spinal canal. Peridural membrane and circumneural sheath

Macromolecular crowding: chemistry and physics meet biology (Ascona, Switzerland, 10–14 June 2012)

Hydrostatic and Oncotic Pressures  

Physiology, Colloid Osmotic Pressure

MR Neurography / MR Imaging of Peripheral Nerves (PNI)

The Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram | Part 1: Theory

The Pressure-Enthalpy Diagram | Part 2: Practice

Sacroiliac innervation

Dorothee Kern (Brandeis, HHMI) 1: Visualizing Protein Dynamics (V)

ABC Transporters (V)

Human ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter family

Proton pump.(V)

Baroreflex Regulation of Blood Pressure, Animation.

Cardiac-Gated Neuromodulation Increased Baroreflex Sensitivity and Reduced Pain Sensitivity in Female Fibromyalgia Patients

Biology – Intro to Cell Structure – Quick Review! (V)

The Inner Life of the Cell Animation (V)

Tendon Cells Root Into (Instead of Attach to) Humeral Bone Head via Fibrocartilage-Enthesis

Quantifying the Contribution of Lower Limb Compensation to Upright Posture: What Happens if Adult Spinal Deformity Patients Do Not Compensate?

[Specificities of orofacial neuropathic pain]

Neuroanatomy, Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus